Homelessness continues to affect us.
Developers continue to build houses that are too big and costly.
Affordable units continue to be in extraordinarily high demand.
New units take too much time and argument to build.
What can we do?
Make Connections
Many homeowners are willing to offer housing below-market to people they like. But many of these homeowners don’t know where to find them. Under federal law, homeowners with no more than four units on the property on which they reside may choose whoever they want to live there. By providing a platform on which homeowners can get to know prospective tenants, Care Association wants homeowners to be able to exercise their rights while helping a household that is unable to compete in a hyper-inflated market. Though a trouble-free landlord-tenant relationship is without guarantee, establishing dialogue can help both parties make better-informed decisions. The goal of the Care For Us platform is to make connections and facilitate this dialogue.
While Care Association is building the platform, we are reaching out to make connections for people in need. Currently, we are working on finding housing for E’Dreana Black and her son. Get to know E’Dreana on her Care For Us page. We are also raising funds for a security deposit.
Vacant Units Exist
The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project found that many-times more vacant residential units exist in San Francisco than do homeless households. Would these units remain vacant if their owners personally knew someone who needed a place to live? Sadly, there is little camaraderie between the Haves and Have-Nots, contradicting idyllic images of community that the Summer of Love presented. California real estate laws are absurdly in favor of the Haves. While rental laws provide some tenant protection, many homeowners avoid having tenants for fear of facing trouble with ones who reserve their right to stay. Until there is change, we need to find alternatives.
One alternative is to reach out to homeowners.
We Have to Start Somewhere
We are starting by working with one household, but the platform will be designed to multiply the effort. And there will be more. Sign up to join the mailing list to stay informed.